Saturday, September 27, 2008

Best over the counter acne scar treatment

« ...The ideal of beauty changes with the epoch: Cleopatra's nose is unlikely to seduce men nowadays, and Rubens would have disliked the lack of curves and fat in modern top models. However, some features are equally appreciated by all generations, for example, white teeth, thick hair and healthy, pimple-free skin. And what if you can't boast such virtues?...
...Tea tree oil is made from extract of the natural tea tree. It possesses strong anti-bacterial properties that are capable of killing the major contributing bacterias easily. Without a shadow of doubt it is as strong as any acne medication out there, if not better, in terms of less risk of getting affected by side effects, less irritation, natural, cheap and effective. You can hear me talk about the effectiveness of tea tree oil non stop if you ever get to see me in person. It has worked wonders for me and several friends of mine....»
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«...Acne is a type of infection so the most simple acne solution is to keep it clean to help prevent further spread and skin damage. Wash your face with baby soap and water, rinse thoroughly and pat dry. Never prick and scratch at your pimples using your hands or any other device to avoid permanent scarring. They should reduce in size and disappear after a few days....»
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tags: olive oil for acne, best soap for acne spots and scars, azelaic acid acne over the counter hyperpigmentation

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