Thursday, July 3, 2008

Honey and cinnamon acne remedy and pantothenic acid deficiency acne

Hair follicles, which are found all over the skin even where hair doesn't grow, produce a lubricant called sebum. Sebum is what nourishes the skin and keeps is moisturized. The bacteria feed off of sebum which is more abundant in pre-teens, teens and young adults. The body, in an effort to get rid of the bacteria, sends white blood cells to kill off the bacteria, but it is not a foolproof solution. The enzymes released by white blood cells actually damage the wall of the hair follicle which allows the sebum to seep under the skin forming a pimple.
Diligently scrub your face and hands two to three times a day. Be careful not to scrub your face though. It must be treated gently.
Is life always so full of problems? I get rid of Acne now I need to start trying to clear the scars. Take heart. It is a very attainable quest. Like with your treatment of Acne, you are safest consulting your dermatologist for guidance. Having said that, there is no harm in knowing some facts.
tags: endocrine disorders that cause acne, quick natural acne cure, eat lots of honey in acne

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